My Story

From Educator, Parent to Parenting Coach:

The Start of Enlightened Parenting Hub

Hi,  I’m Jyoti Singh. I’m a mother of a growing Son and wife of a loving husband and currently based in Faridabad.

I have served as a Trustee in a family-run Educational Institution and learned a lot about children’s psychology. I had also observed that the family environment plays a vital role in the children’s overall development.

My parents raised me with all Love, Compassion, Encouragement, Patience, and being non-judgmental.

Therefore, I always dreamed about raising my child into a healthy and happy adult who will contribute goodness to society.

When I became a parent and realized the daunting responsibility, I wondered if I could do it right; all these things seemed challenging to me. Sometimes, I was kind to him, and other times yelling, frustrated, feeling helpless, and struggling to understand why I can’t handle this? 

Before going to sleep, I would regret my behavior and hold the guilt in my heart for being harsh to my little soul.

If you are a parent, you can probably relate to these things a lot!

As a dedicated parent, I decided to learn more about Parenting and finally signed up for a certification course to help others in their parenting journey.

In the course, I understood the power of Positive Parenting strategies. I realized why yelling, nagging, and threatening don’t work as a parenting strategy. Parenting is one of the most significant roles in which a child can have a lasting impact.

Everything changed when I started implementing my learning’s in my day-to-day life. I observed that my little one started getting calmer, joyful, and a better listener. It happened because I changed myself by getting mindful and just by being friendly about my role.  It was effortless to influence my child.

I realized that the problem is not with the child, but it is with us (Parent) because we never wanted to change our mindset. The only Parenting that you need to do is with yourself. Start Role modeling what you are asking your children to do or be. They will be your reflector.

I completed my training as Parenting Coach of Toddlers, Middle Schoolers& Teens. I endeavor to guide the parents in creating a healthy, happy, and balanced family life by improving communication and relationship between parents and children.

I genuinely feel that this journey of mine has given me a purpose in life. What I learned completely changed my family, and it can change yours, too.

Enlightened Parenting Hub Manifesto

  • We accept ourselves and our children as we are.
  • Loving ourselves is the greatest gift we can give to our children.
  • We trust our intuition to be the best mother/father for our child.
  • We make time every day to connect and enjoy with our children.
  • We calm ourselves so we can respond to the situation rather than react and be judgmental.


  • Certificate Course in Understanding CBT Techniques
  • Certification program in Storytelling and Creative Teaching
  • Train the Trainer – “Developmental Parenting” Parenting Coach: Toddlers – Middle Schoolers – Teenager
  • Positive Psychology from Karma Center for Counseling & Wellbeing
  • Theta Healing Advanced DNA2 Course
  • Theta Healing Basic DNA2 Course
  • Theta Healing Manifesting and Abundance Course

My Mission

My mission is to empower 1,00,000 New Moms & Parents to raise their children with deep Love and the best of intentions by making them mindful of their parenting role.

My Vision

Enlightened Parenting Hub will be an empowering community where parents and families will thrive on raising their children calmly, respectfully, & responsibly.